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Our Multiple Listing Service


Just what is an MLS? It’s a database of real estate properties brought into a marketplace by members wishing to exchange information with other member brokers and real estate agents. For example, Kelly Williams Realty may bring a 18 bedroom home for sale in Buckhead, Atlanta and enters the property details in MLS database . Opal Whimfrey, an agent with Redmax Brokers may have ready buyer is is looking to buy a 15 bedroom home in Buckhead, Atlanta. Opal Whimfrey in searching the database can now present the 18 bedroom property to her client as a possible choice. With REGmls, the public now has search capabilities. However, the public information is limited, hence one must contact an agent/member as a course of best practice.


Brokers are sent an invitation to become a member. (Broker Accepts invitation)
A confirmation email containing our Broker Member Agreement is sent to the qualifying/managing Broker to activate their membership.
Brokers adds their Sales agents and Associate Brokers to their “Permissions List”
Those on the Brokers “Permissions List” can now apply for membership.
Upon approval, an email is sent to those (Agents & Associate Brokers) hanging their licence with the broker to activate their account.
Once logged in, the member is automatically taken to the area where they complete their profile and list all their available properties.
As a property status changes, the member must log in and change the status. For example: from “FOR SALE” to “UNDER CONTRACT”


Title: (Mandatory) Should be a catchy and brief description of the property. (Limited to 32 characters)
Property Information Summary: (Mandatory)





Media Image: (Mandatory) A maximum of 18 images are allowed at this time. The first should be a front view of property.
Sellers Property Disclosure: (Upload a .PDF file – Available for download ONLY to logged in member agents)











13.  Realty Exchange: (Mandatory) This area has agent/member related information much of which is not shown here.

Agents must be logged in to view the Realty Exchange.